Monday, September 15, 2014


Today was like most other Mondays. My morning class ended up being cancelled, and studio was just a work day. However my project is going so well so far for studio and I'm really excited with where it's going. We're designing a charter school and my professor thinks mine has the potential to really be something spectacular, which is great to actually hear. 

Tonight though I went to a fabulous sisterhood event! We had a paint party at the house and basically smeared paint all over each other. It was silly and fun and a great way to learn little facts about each other. Our sisterhood chair is so sweet and made the simplest event a great one. She even brought tons of snacks and cupcakes. The hilarious part was one of the independent houses called the cops with a noise complaint, but when the cops saw what was actually happening they laughed. We offered them some cupcakes but they just went on their way to do more important things then tell some sorority girls to be quieter.

The event was definitely messy but it was hilarious. These are the things I love about being in a sorority. Who else does stuff like this on their Monday nights?

Sunday, September 14, 2014


This was a weekend of doing nothing. And by nothing I mean everything that isn't productive but only fun! Friday I spent moping in class (aka 3.5 hours of studio) waiting to actually go out. I'm not much of a partier, but when I'm in a social mood I need to go out. Luckily, Friday was also the last day of IFC rush and Sigma Tau Gamma (the fraternity I'm a sweetheart for) was having a party that night. I threw on my sequenced top that's been chillin' in my closet and went out in the hopes of meeting a lot of their guys. I had a great night, reaching that perfect level intoxicated (never fear I am 21 y'all). It was one of those great nights where everyone was in a great mood, there were no fights, no drama and I stayed out way too late.

Saturday was then spent mostly in bed. I didn't even wake up until 12:30, and then I just migrated to the couch. Once my boyfriend and I found some energy, we went out yet again with friends. This time it was only to Dave & Busters and I found myself with a group of 11 guys watching the Mayweather vs. Maidana fight.... Needless to say I mostly just ate some food and played games because boxing is not particularly in my realm of knowledge. I did however stop buy the Nike outlet that's next door and pick up a new pair of black Free 5.0's that'll hopefully keep me motivated in my workout routine.

Sunday is pretty typical for me. Wake up, do some homework, go to chapter. But today our Panhellenic community grew with Alpha Chi Omega holding their bid day! They welcomed over 150 girls as their founding class and I was so excited to see 2 girls from my SRC group!
That makes 7 chapters at UNC Charlotte which is crazy. 
Now I'm spending the rest of my evening doing all the homework I neglected until now and hoping for another easy week. I've been feeling pretty stress free which I'm hoping holds out for awhile.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Today started out in a rather somber mood. Given the date, I spent my morning reflecting on what happened 13 years ago. I was in the 3rd grade when the attack happened and I just remember the day being very odd. Now that I'm older, I can understand more on why, when I didn't grow up anywhere near New York City, the stunned feelings of New Yorkers were felt across country. The enormity of the situation seems to grow each year for me, this year being no exception. 

My sophomore year I went with my architecture studio to New York City and one of the stops we made was at the 9/11 Memorial. From a design standpoint, I found the memorial to be brilliant. It took the power the space held and kept ahold of it. I couldn't take one picture that did it justice. The fountains and name plates are in the foot prints of the Twin Towers and standing between them you begin to feel gravity come down on you. Even when you know a good portion of the people visiting are just there to visit, you still can't help but wondering if someone is there to pay homage to a passed love one. The only picture I liked from the visit was one I got of one of my classmates.

This pretty much sums up the feeling you get visiting the memorial. Even when you don't know any of the names, you still feel connected. 

The rest of my day was spent in class and doing homework! I also took a big leap and applied for a spring break study abroad trip to Berlin. It would be in conjunction with my 4th year topical studio and it's based on studying public space. I'm really excited about the curriculum so I'm hoping I can get the money raised to go.